February 3, 2011

I touched it..I am using it....The Quest has begun..

The Quest to become an expert machine quilter.  I was recently reading an article in this months "Quilting Arts", that talks about practice.  Apparently it takes 500 hours of doing something to become proficient in it.  I know from my other readings that it takes an whopping 10,000 hours to be considered an expert.  So, I am going to dismiss the past few years of machine quilting, and consider logging my hours from my brand new machine. 

Yes, I know, I should credit the endless hours of sewing, piecing, and quilting on my other machines, but this one is like sewing on  a cloud (when compared to the other two machines).  It just feels wonderful, smooth, easy.  I am still experiencing a snafu or two, user error of course.  But that is the beauty about learning a new machine.  So what you see above is my first attempt at machine quilting with a free motion foot on my new machine.  There are any number of mistakes, but whose keeping tabs.  I am not, any more...

While sewing last night, I had to remind myself to breathe...I found myself holding my breath as i went along, and when not focused broke 2 needles on my safety pins.  So, I realized, I am not perfect, and although i love this fabric I will just quilt away and love the final product.  It was a very freeing thought.  I must admit, it made things a lot easier.  I am learning to listen to the machine, to know when it needs dusting, more thread, etc.

And so the journey begins.  I have to find some counter of sorts so I can record my hours.  Well, I began last night with 2 and half hours.  Only 497 and a half to go for proficiency. 


  1. E! So great to run into you at the fabric store! And wowza on the curvy piece up there. Please tell us more about that!

  2. Same here L. Ha, you discovered my hide out and know where to find me. I took the easier road and followed the pattern on the back. Thats why i chose the backing...smiles

  3. Awesome! Nice goal. Beautiful quilting...
